Accueil > FAQs > For couples therapy, can I start alone, and can my partner join later on?

For couples therapy, can I start alone, and can my partner join later on?

If you are meeting with Ms. Daniela Beer-Becker or Ms. Sophie Brive, both partners need to be present at all times. If you are meeting with Dr. Nicole Roberts, both you and your partner are permitted one “alone session”, and the rest of the time you will need to meet all together.

If you need more than one session to discuss things with a therapist without your partner present, you may wish to also pursue individual therapy. If you want both individual therapy and couples therapy, you will need to meet with two separate therapists (the therapist who sees you for couples therapy cannot also see you for individual therapy).

Please let us know if you would like to book a couples therapy session and/or individual therapy session for you.