Hoarding Radio Interview

Dr Emily Blake Hoarding Radio Interview

Hoarding or “just collecting”? Can you tell the difference? In the CBC interview with Shari Okeke, psychologist Dr Emily Blake gives insights on what contributes to hoarding and how to get “to the bottom” of what makes us hang on to things beyond what’s healthy.

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Positive Psychology Radio Interview

Dr Emily Blake on CJAD Radio

Positive psychology is the scientific study of wellbeing. What makes people thrive, what makes them flourish? Find out how positive psychology can benefit your life in this interview with psychologist Dr Sydney Miller and his guest, psychologist Dr Emily Blake!

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Understanding Perfectionism Radio Interview

Dr Emily Blake on CJAD Radio

Being perfect is an impossible task. Join psychologist Dr Sydney Miller and his guest, psychologist  Dr Emily Blake as they discuss better approaches to life than perfectionism. Dr Blake is a psychologist and the founder and director of Blake Psychology in Montreal.

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Social Anxiety Radio Interview

Dr Emily Blake at CJAD Radio

Do you feel shy or timid in certain situations, or with certain people? Social anxiety or social phobia is really shyness but to the extreme. In this CJAD Radio chat with psychologist Dr Syd Miller, psychologist Dr Emily Blake sheds light on the different degrees of shyness and social anxiety and explains the role of…

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