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What happens during the individual therapy sessions?

Pre-therapy: Intake paperwork

Once you book your first session, you will be sent an intake form to complete.

During the first session, your therapist will go over the intake form with you, to make sure that all the information has been properly understood.

If you prefer not to fill in the paperwork beforehand, your therapist will assist you to complete the intake and consent form during your first appointment.

Phase 1: Assessment and Treatment Planning

During the first few sessions, you and your psychologist will begin to get to know one another. Your reasons for seeking consultation and your expectations for therapy will be discussed.

Your psychologist will provide you with emotional support and will ask you some questions in order to understand the difficulties you are experiencing in your life.

A treatment plan that fits with your values and the context of your life will be developed. This plan will be designed specifically for you and will include your goals for therapy, and some strategies to help you reach these goals.

Phase 2: Intervention

You and your psychologist will work together on the treatment plan developed during phase 1. This plan may be revised if needed as therapy progresses. The length of the phase varies according to your needs.

Phase 3: Termination and Relapse Prevention

During the final few sessions of therapy, your progress in therapy will be reviewed, and a toolbox of strategies will be created to help you maintain your treatment gains.

The purpose of the toolbox is to remind you how you were able to cope effectively with difficulties during therapy so that you can use these same tools again in the future to help prevent problems from returning or to be more effective at coping with problems if they return.